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Collections & payments

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Our revenue collection and payment solutions are tailored to the way your debtors prefer to communicate, utilising the platforms you are most likely to find them on, saving you time and money and improving recovery rates.

The world we live in is more than ever focussed on digital solutions, including the use of AI and automation, and this should be embraced. Being on the platforms where debtors expect to be able to communicate with you will help facilitate quicker payments. It will also enable you to swiftly signpost any vulnerable debtors to relevant advice charities and organisations.

Our communication model with debtors utilises the following channels:

  • Text messaging and SMS webforms
  • Automated voice messaging
  • Email
  • Instant messaging (Facebook and WhatsApp)
  • Live chat and artificial intelligence (AI) chatbots

We will set everything up for you, including providing communications flows and scripts which we know to be highly effective.

Replacing traditional letters with digital communication means that we facilitate instant responses, as well as track and monitor every touchpoint the debtor makes. We can use effective signposting and messaging where appropriate.

Our services can be used to help better understand customer behaviour, get to the heart of the matter, and create positive outcomes for everyone.

Data analysis can be used to adjust strategy to react to customer behaviour, record outcomes, and determine the next actions based on flexible goals.

How each platform works

SMS web forms

Mobile-enabled WebForms© make it quick and easy for a customer to discretely reply. The trackable results smart phone data analysis gives ongoing insight into user behaviour.

Automated voice messaging:

Automated voice messaging uses pre-recorded voice and interactive functionality, such as numbered options to ensure high levels of customer response and engagement. Telsolutions creates personalised interactive experiences using voicemail messaging to engage effectively


With our emails, you can track open rates, clicks, and the actions taken as a result of the email, including engagement across other platforms such as chatbots and social media.

Live chat and AI chatbots

This communication technology gives a debtor an instant communication channel and is proven to be an effective and efficient way to communicate. We start the communication via the chatbot and can seamlessly hand over to a live agent when needed.

Instant messaging

Instant messaging technology, such as Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp, allows interactive content to be delivered directly to the user, enabling them to self-serve precisely what they need, when they need it.

Find out more

To find out more about our membership management solutions, get in touch today on +44(0) 1279 456679.