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Events - Seminars

Autum Seminar Schedule


Now is the right time to change - LA migration to digital communications
Monday 4th September 11am and 3pm
Duration: 30-40 minutes with open Q&A

Audience – Authorities and officers new to digital engagement for revenues

This new seminar is aimed at local authority revenue officers that are interested in looking at what digital engagement can achieve for their authority revenues and benefits department, its impact and the changes they would make to bring in new services. The presentation will cover new case studies, expected results and outcomes for building a business case.

With budget and spending caps in place, digital engagement with customers will reduce reliance on postage and save 80% operational costs.

Improving recovery rates - digital engagement for recoveries
Wednesday 13th September 11am and 3pm
Duration: 30-40 minutes with open Q&A

Audience - Authorities and officers new to digital engagement for revenues
The seminar is a focused look at how multi-channel communications can be used for digital engagement, and the possible strategies helping revenue teams to improve recovery results without greatly changing the processes they use today.
Comparing results from mailed, basic SMS text message reminder and recovery communications to digital alternatives and the next generation of customer engagement tools, officers will see what is possible, effective and widely used.

Reducing inbound calls - never lose a customer
Friday 15th September 11am and 3pm
Duration: 30-40 minutes with open Q&A

Audience – Existing Telsolutions service users and any officer interested in productivity gains
One of the key challenges facing all revenue teams and contact centres is how to reduce the volume of customer enquiries and yet manage and support those most need.

This seminar demonstrates simple low cost and effective services that are simple to implement and require no ICT involvement. Customer experience is not a nice to have, but rather an essential consideration to never lose a customer pushing problems further down the road.

Treble Touch - The killer strategy for best debt collection
Monday 18th September 11am and 3pm
Duration: 30-40 minutes with open Q&A

Audience - New to digital engagement for revenues
First launched in 2015, and enhanced over time, Telsolutions unique ‘Treble Touch’ customer contact strategy has been proven to be the most effective and now widely used strategy to achieve customer self-service and the highest results for debt recovery applications.

The presentation will cover new case studies, expected results and outcomes for building a business case. The new seminar is aimed at local authority revenue officers interested in looking at what digital engagement will achieve for their authority.

Tackling Sundry Debts using digital engagement
Tuesday 19th September 11am and 3pm
Duration: 30-40 minutes with open Q&A

Audience – Existing Telsolutions service users and any officer interested in Sundry, low value or historic debts
Since 2016, and enhanced annually, Telsolutions unique ‘Trigger Based’ contact strategy has proved highly effective tackling debt cases that have been hard to settle or not economic to pursue.

The presentation will cover how this strategy is used and why it is effective with a new presentation discussing the 2023 process.
The new seminar is aimed at local authority revenue officers interested in additional income that can be achieved quickly at low cost.

Introducing chatbots for Revenues and benefits
Friday 22nd September 11am and 3pm
Duration: 30-40 minutes with open Q&A

Audience – The seminar is for local authorities new to Telsolutions and service users interested in freeing up resources to resolve enquiries from customers.
Telsolutions chatbot services have grown in popularity since 2019, providing a low cost new resource to support customers around the clock. Modular messaging chatbot services linked with social media channels offer the widest range of channels reflecting how customers want to interact with authorities.

Chatbots and AI are not complex technologies that are tied up into complex long term corporate projects. Chatbots can up and effective in a matter of weeks, not months.

Telsolutions Debt Advice and Support chatbot technologies - NEW TECH
Tuesday 26th September 11am and 3pm
Duration: 30-40 minutes with open Q&A

Audience – The seminar is for local authorities new to Telsolutions and service users interested in supporting customers more effectively.

One of the greatest volume of inbound enquiries to contact centres are questions from customers seeking advice and support. This task takes up the majority of resources, and the volume of cases exceeds the capabilities of staff.

Using Generative AI (Artificial Intelligence), this seminar has been popular in 2023 to explain how better support can be achieved for customers where advice can be offered using that latest responsible technology.

VoiceBOTS - End to end agentless debt recovery. New TECH
Wednesday 27th September 11am and 3pm
Duration: 30-40 minutes with open Q&A

Audience – The seminar is for all local authorities interested in next generation technologies.
VoiceBOTS are the final frontier of customer call management. Limited and clunky capabilities have been available for some years, but with the advancement of voice technologies in recent years, low cost end to end customer contact tools are available to local authorities, freeing up resources time and budget.

Telsolutions have launched its new and marketing leading VoiceBOT technology, aimed at local government.

Making payments easy for customers - Direct to Bank (OBP's)
Thursday 28th September 11am and 3pm
Duration: 30-40 minutes with open Q&A

Audience – The seminar is for all local authorities interested in removing barriers to customer payments.
Open Banking Payments also known as Direct to Bank payments, create frictionless processes to help customers make payments using their banking App. Customers want secure, easy services with barriers removed. This is one advanced technology that is catching on in all our lives and will replace the poor telephone payment lines and website payment services.

Contact centre optimisation - improving recovery rates
Tuesday 10th October 11am and 3pm
Duration: 30-40 minutes with open Q&A
Audience – Existing Telsolutions service users and any officer interested in improving staff productivity and morale.
Since the pandemic working practices and environments have changed. Managing remote staff has become a challenge with managers unable to increase efficiency and productivity. Advanced contact centre technology and strategies adapted for local government are helping teams regain and now exceed KPI’s. Improving productivity does not require a carrot and stick approach with staff. Simple technology now does the hard work.

Making SMS communications secure, improving trust
Wednesday 11th October 11am and 3pm
Duration: 30-40 minutes with open Q&A
Audience – The seminar is for all local authorities interested in next generation technologies.
Fraudsters and scammers are affecting all our lives with fake communications. It only takes one scammer to contact your customers and payment rates will plummet. Secure SMS otherwise known as Rich Communication Services tackles the trust issues we have with text messages. This is an essential seminar for all authorities to attend and take action on.

Video Consultations - Resolving issues with hard to reach customers
Tuesday 17th October 11am and 3pm
Duration: 30-40 minutes with open Q&A
Audience – The seminar is for all local authorities interested in next generation technologies.
Since the pandemic, local authorities have greatly reduced the accessibility of staff to meet customers directly. However simple mobile technologies are available and proven effective to open these options again. Creating better conversations and outcomes, Telsolutions RTC video consultation tools are simple. Negotiations are always better face to face.